Searching for 55aday

Here are the last few searches that brought people to 55aday:

short detailed stories for game where 4 people go into hall o

short stories from people

short people can

short baby names

short story- fear

disturbing fetish

short story happens in one day of people life

short people are great

Short story about fear

short story about priorities

“marielle newsome:

short story on revenge

short people frustration

short puppet stories

I like how most Googlers come across 55aday by looking for either short stories or short people. Someone Googled Marielle Newsome, who wrote one of our stories. Possibly it was Marielle Newsome.

And you know what? Short people are great.

One Response to “Searching for 55aday”

  1. Marielle Newsome Says:

    Nope. It was my boyfriend. I did find *this* by Google-ing my name, however!

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